

Our company offers a vast range of blinds: modern, security-related, adjustable or fixed in various materials such as aluminium, wood or PVC, based on client’s needs, durable in time despite the prolonged exposition to bad weather conditions, rain and wind.

The primary function of blinds is to complete the fixture by screening, or gradually filtering, light. Essential, they are available in various types and every one of them is suitable to different clients’ necessities, to respond in an efficient way not only to functional problems, but also to stylistic requirements, as it is important that they match the style of the furniture of the house or office in which they are placed.

We produce custom-designed blinds, tailored aesthetic lines, based on traditional or contemporary style, something different and in line with the surroundings.


The adjustable shutter is the most frequently used blind in Italy. The term “persiana” comes from Greek first and French after, meaning “relative to Persia”, an element introduced in our country in the XVIII century, starting from Sicily. When the demand meets the most methodical technologies some super-functional products are created, such as the adjustable shutters: a type of shutters that allows to choose autonomously the quantity of light to let into the room, for a luminosity effect which is always in step with the daylight.

In fact, adjustable shutters have adjustable slats up to 180° and, other than being a thermal and acoustic insulator, they offer the possibility to choose the level of light inside the room, making it possible to make a better use of the natural light, avoiding the development of light spots.


Among the traditional types of blinds, we can find the blinds with fixed blades: they are THE blinds, an everlasting functional element, easy to find in every italian house. In fact, this kind of blind represents the most practical choice, useful and, at the same time, simple to repair without modifying the basic structure of the house.

The fixed blades are a revisited type of a classical element, optimised during the course of the years for allowing the clients to obtain further security, also in terms of protection from bad weather, to maintain the rooms bright without giving up on their privacy. Moreover, the main characteristic of these blinds is the resistance towards humidity, as it does not affect them.


The modern blinds describe the contemporary, constantly evolving style of our country. Design marked a new era in home furnishings and architecture, and this happened with functional elements too. Being designed through the concept of efficiency, they are made of quality materials, which means long durability and resistance and does not require frequent maintenance. Furthermore, this is the easiest blind to customise, both in shape and colour. Italy loves design, since its origins and modern blinds are a clear example of that: without giving up on functionality and efficiency, it is possible to choose blinds which are stylish, personalised, refined and unique, able to adapt to any kind of home, from the most classic apartment to the most technological environment.


For those who need protection there is a safety blinds line available, composed of shutters, casings and blinds. Additionally, in this case security rhymes with aesthetic quality, therefore it will be possible to have the maximum level of protection preserving beauty and harmony. Thanks to the newest technologies they are similar to the traditional versions of blinds, but they are also highly functional, with the possibility of airtight seal, that leaves no light spots.

Safety has always been our top priority. All the members of the team Futura Infissi believe that we all have the necessity to feel safe and at ease in our homes and workplaces: for this reason the blinds are a key element of any building and can be further strengthened acting as a shield for an house or an office, in order to protect not only the people but also the items and furniture from the strong rays of light, but also from bad weather, being at the same time handy to maintain privacy and discourage attempts of breaking and entering.

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