Aluminium frames


Aluminium frames stand for innovation and resistance. Aluminium is a both malleable and sturdy constituent, easy to manipulate to the highest point of mechanical stress, with excellent performances in terms of durability.

Aluminium is a very valid element and, nowadays, frequently used to create long-lasting, safe frames with high thermal and acoustic resistance. It is a surprisingly light material that, also thanks to the spontaneous formation of an oxide layer, protects itself from corrosion over time, characteristic that can be further emphasised through the application of particular treatments.

Thermal-break aluminium frames: why choose them? 

The feature according to which aluminium frames are a first choice is, now as then, durability. As we already mentioned, as well as being an extremely sturdy and long-lasting raw material that delivers performances that never disappoint and requires minimum maintenance, thanks to the last decades progresses in the field of the thermal insulation, it now guarantees to produce first-quality, “thermal break” fixtures. Thermal break aluminium frames successfully oppose to draughts and condensation, protecting the building completely. This is a further guarantee that, once again, proves aluminium to be one of the most efficacious products on the market.

Moreover, aluminium is suitable not only to residential use, but also to other types of building and large-sized facilities, in particular for its high fire resistance. Nowadays, what often brings to the use of aluminium fixtures in in the construction industry is the positive reaction of the material to the aggression of the climate factors and the protection against the summer heat and winter cold. They do not require constant maintenance or specific care to prevent wear, as its strength is natural.

Not everyone knows that aluminium is an eco-friendly material, 100% recyclable with costs and wastefulness of production that are going increasingly towards zero as technology advances and, for that, it represents a valid alternative to the already well-known wood.

Is it true that aluminium frames protect from cold? 

Despite aluminium being a cold element – icy to the touch – its resistance regarding the entrance and exit of cold and/or heat in the house or the office is high, especially thanks to the most modern construction techniques, which permit to realise increasingly insulating fixtures. Do not be deceived: aluminium can certainly not give you a feeling of heat at the sight or touch, but it hides some pleasant surprises for those who decide to opt for that kind of window frame. In fact, it is important to remember that the average duration of a frame of this kind can reach up to 40 years.

Are aluminium fixtures the most modern?

Aluminium is dynamic and youthful, related to the world of design: the finishings can be accurately chosen by the customer – opaque, shiny or sandblast – as this type of frame is able to satisfy also the most refined requests and the most audacious ideas. The modern reality completely transformed the concept of “house” and, with it, of furniture and structure: the houses nowadays do not reflect anymore the standards of the past and, despite its long history of usage, aluminium is one of those raw materials that have not only survived, but have also willingly accepted the transformation, as they are incredibly suitable for change. Due to their considerable strength, the aluminium window frames are able to hold up wide glass windows, transforming the space and filling it with light. Let loose with the nuances: from the most pigmented and daring colour to the simplest shade. Light, colour, minimal strength and wide spaces: this are the keywords that interpret the concept of a modern house, inside which the aluminium frames occupy a privileged position.

Is the aluminium frame customizable? 

Versatility is among the undisputable properties of aluminium and of the aluminium window frames. Possibilities are countless, from the classic sizes of a frame to a French window and specific measures, as well as colours, textures, handles and much more… we can certainly say that, among the most significant benefits of this choice there is also the wide possibility of customization of the product.

Highly resistant, insulating, customizable, stylish and maintenance-free: these are the characteristics of the quality aluminium frames we offer: created, produced and assembled custom-made, for every need. Contact us for any other information.

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